Dental Assisting

The duties of a dental assistant are among the most comprehensive and varied in the dental office. The dental assistant performs many tasks requiring both interpersonal and technical skills. Dental assistants greatly increase the efficiency of the dentist in the delivery of quality oral health care and are valuable members of the dental care team.
This program can be completed in two years (1080 clock hours).
Class starts in August each year.
First year: Monday-Friday 7:25 AM-10:15 AM
Second year: Monday-Friday 11:15 AM-2:23 PM
Required Courses:
Dental Assisting I
Dental Assisting II
Dental Science
Dental Assisting Clinical
Elective Courses:
Dental Assistant Practices
Dental Specialties
Supervised Dental Assisting Experience
Health Science Clinical Experience
Certificate in Dental Assisting
Dean Vaughn Dental Terminology
Nitrous Oxide Monitoring Certification
Sample Job Titles
Dental Assistant
With Further Work Experience: Registered Dental Assistant, Certified Dental Assistant, Expanded Duties Dental Assistant